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Is there a bigfoot in Oregon?

Some Pendleton residents believe that the mysterious noises they hear from a swamp on the Umatilla Indian Reservation come from a bigfoot, the mythical ape-like humanoid creature that is believed to inhabit forests mainly in North America's Pacific Northwest region.

Bigfoot in Oregon? (Photo: Itsnature.com)
According to the Oregon Live, the eerie late-night sounds, which range from high-pitched screams to basso profundo roars, started in November and have caused bigfoot rumors to spread.

One said the cries were made by "a young Bigfoot that had got separated from the rest of his clan."

Several residents have called the local housing authority to report the strange sounds.

Carl Sheeler, wildlife program manager for the Walla Walla and Cayuse tribes, said the strange noises may just be from animals known to live in the area.

"When they are breeding, it is absolutely hair-raising," Sheeler told the Oregon Live. "And the first time a person hears a fox calling in the night, kind of echoing around the canyons, it raises the hair on the back of your neck. That wetland is a perfect place to have an echoing call sound eerie." 

But some of those who have heard the sounds don't agree with Sheeler.

"Foxes do sound creepy," said Sylvia Minthorn. "But it's not the same sound, not even close."

Sasquatch Watch Canada posted a recording of the howls to Youtube. Listen to them below: 
Do you think they are from a bigfoot?

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