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6-Year-Old Mrs. Bieber Dies (Photo: Twitter)
Avalanna Routh, a.k.a "Mrs. Bieber," has passed away Wednesday after a long battle with a rare form of brain cancer.

Routh had a pretend wedding with popstar Justin Bieber while admitted at a Boston hospital.

During the ceremony, the young girl held a bouquet of flowers, wore a T-shirt that said "Future Mrs. Bieber" and stood next a cardboard cutout of Bieber with a banner that said "Just Married." It sparked a social media campaign to help her meet the singer.

Bieber later arranged an early Valentine’s Day date with his cancer-stricken fan in New York.

"She was AWESOME! Feeling really inspired now! #MrsBieber," Bieber tweeted after spending a couple of hours with Roth.

Upon learning about Roth's death, Bieber tweeted Wednesday: "just got the worst news ever. one of the greatest spirits i have ever known is gone. please pray for her family and for her. RIP Avalanna. i love you."

Mrs. Bieber was nine months old when she  was diagnosed with atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor, or AT/RT, a rare brain  disorder that usually kills its victims within a year.

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