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Talia Castellano (Youtube)
Talia Joy Castellano, a 12-year-old cancer patient who has inspired thousands in her 5-year battle with the disease, made a frank and heartbreaking admission on Tuesday that she could die within a year.

In her most recent video blog, Talia is drawing attention for its heartbreaking frankness and a maturity well beyond her years.

"I have two types cancers in my body at once," Talia says. "Well preleukemia which is a start of leukemia in my bone marrow. There are not really any treatments for it. It is very rare to have neuroblastoma and leukemia at the same time."

She says that her doctors are suggesting of a bone marrow transplant, which would be her "toughest" procedure yet.

"The docs gave me the option of doing treatment or don’t do the treatment and just live life for the time remaining," she tells her followers. "Right now, I'm leaning towards not doing it."

On the video description, she wrote, "Im tired of doing shit to my body, my friends, family, nabers, pets... I will enjoy every minute I have with the world. Docs said maybe a couple mounths to up to a year left of preshious (sic) life."

Although Talia is not sure what her next steps are, but she promises to continue her videos, and says "I hope you guys understand where I'm coming from, not wanting to do the transplant."

"Having cancer has been a gift, but it's a horrible, horrible thing," she says.

"I've gotten so many benefits from [cancer]. Having a YouTube channel, having to inspire people and having people look up to me... I adore, I love makeup, using it as my wig... it's amazing... the journey of having cancer was amazing. But every journey has an end."

Check out Talia Catellano's vlog below:
Talia was diagnosed with neuroblastoma in 2007. A feww years later, she started uploading videos to Youtube, where she talked about a range of topics from how to cope with cancer, to makeup fashion tips for middle schoolers. Her YouTube channel has over 112,000 subscribers with more than 8 million views as of this posting. Scan through her videos and you’ll discover an eloquent and funny girl that captivates you with her courage and everyday stories.


  1. GOD bless you and to show your love for life like you did may make peopele to stop and recognice not to take life for granite we all love you and God bless you


  3. Follow this link to help Talia and her mom. Her biological father, while a man of substantial means, has turned his back on her mother, Desiree and prohibits Talia from earning money on YouTube :

  4. I could barely handle my MS diagnosis at 33, she's 13 and her reactions are INCREDIBLE !!!


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