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If you're wondering why some of your Facebook friends are changing their profile pictures to that of a giraffe, no it's not International Giraffe Day nor any other giraffe-related holiday. It is because of a riddle game called "The Great Giraffe Challenge."

Giraffe riddle invades Facebook
The deal in the said challenge is that you can keep your current Facebook profile picture if you can give the right answer to a riddle. If you can't, you have to look for a giraffe's photo and upload it as your new profile pic. You can't delete that giraffe photo for the next three days.

This is the riddle: "It's 3:00 am, the doorbell rings and you wake up. Unexpected visitors, It's your parents and they are there for breakfast. You have strawberry jam, honey, wine, bread and cheese. What is the first thing you open?"

If you want to participate in "The Great Giraffe Challenge," like us on Facebook and leave a private message containing your answer. We will tell you afterwards if you are a giraffe or not.

Game? Here's the link to our Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/NoypiStuffPage


  1. the first thing to open Is the DOOR

  2. Why giraffe and not any other animals?

  3. Definitely the door... Tricky though...

  4. I got it right! Yay!

  5. Thanks for responding. Lol.. I have to change my DP...

  6. Pwede monkey naman? Hahahahahah

  7. I'll definitely open the door first.. My parents should enter the house first.

  8. Open your eyes first..

  9. It's open your eyes because you were asleep.


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