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Billions worth of $100 bills were destroyed after a printing error.

$100 Bills Destroyed After Printing Mistake
The new $100 bills, which will supposedly be set for circulation in the coming fall, are yet to be reexamined as the first batch of three-hundred-million dollar notes sent to the Federal Reserve was found to be defective. It was noted upon inspection by the authorities that the bills have blots and other inks marks to places where they should not be.

According to Darlene Anderson, the spokeswoman for the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, there was too much ink used resulting to the occurrence of the error in printing. These flawed notes will more likely be demolished. The incurred cost of such damage and the processes to correct the error which includes reprinting, reexamination and abolishing of the faulty bills is yet to be determined.

Despite the hindrances in the production, the new $100 bills will be in the hands of the public in October 2013 as scheduled, Anderson said.

The new design for the $100 note was unveiled in 2010, but its introduction was postponed following an unexpected production delay. The new $100 bills will said to have color blue and a 3D ribbon which will be harder to counterfeit.

1 comment:

  1. I would have given 15 cents for one,they could have made a profit.


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