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Pit Bulls Attack Car
Four pit bulls destroyed a minivan while trying to get to a kitten hiding in the engine compartment of the car.

The pit bulls flattened a tire and left numerous scratches across the front bumper of the vehicle due to the attack.

After changing the tire on Monday, the minivan's owner, who also owns the dogs, drove 25 miles to work in Palm Springs before discovering the 7-week-old kitten, which had moved into a hollow part of the front bumper.

The kitten was rescued by a Palm Springs animal control officer, who spent 40 minutes trying to remove the bumper.

The resilient kitten, dubbed Fender Lynx, will go up for pre-adoption this Saturday.


  1. animals like that are not pets and should be destroyed immediately. what if a child was holding a kitten

  2. What ignorant comments! Pits are mo more trouble than YOU probably are. It's all in how they're raised. And how about PEOPLE that kill children? Are they "immediately destroyed"?

  3. Excuse my typo ... I meant to say that Pits are "no" more trouble (not "mo") ...


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