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Zombie Apocalypse coming?
Is zombie apocalypse upon us?

For the past couple of weeks, news headlines included some zombie-invoking stories which caused rumors of an impending zombie apocalypse.

By now, you have probably heard about the Miami man who "chewed off" the face of another last Saturday. The man, who was later identified as 31-year-old Rudy Eugene, was seen without his clothes along a busy highway, biting into another man's face and tearing it to pieces. The police shot him dead after refusing to stop the horrifying attack.

Eugene's story is not the only "flesh-eating" story that the media has reported recently. There are more.

Today, the Associated Press reported the story of a 33-year-old mother in San Antonio who is being accused of beheading her 3-week-old infant and ate some of the child's body parts. She reportedly told the police that she killed her son at the devil's request.

The Daily Mail also reported today the incident involving a 52-year-old Swedish professor who cut the lips of his girlfriend off using a knife and ate them. The assault was so brutal that the prosecutor tried to have him charged for attempted murder, the report said. The man reportedly did it out of jealousy as he believes that his girlfriend is seeing someone else.

Titled "Zombie apocalypse coming soon," a blog post by "I Hope Rick Santorum" on Tumblr is getting viral as it features 10 zombie-related news stories which all happened in Florida in the past week. Check it out here: http://ihopericksantorum.tumblr.com/post/23988224221/zombie-apocalypse-coming-soon

Do you think these stories suggest that zombie apocalypse has begun?


  1. The CDC Director says "There are all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for. Take a zombie apocalypse for example. That’s right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe you’ll even learn a thing or two about how to prepare for a real emergency."http://www.bt.cdc.gov/socialmedia/zombies.asp AND https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_S._Khan 'in August 2010, Dr. Khan served as Deputy Director of CDC’s National Center for Emerging and ZOONOTIC Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).(Diseases humans get from Animals!) "In May 2011, he made public the CDC's recommendations for preparing for a zombie apocalypse" watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EczjIxFWvgA

  2. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_MUTILATED_BODY_MARYLAND?SITE=IADES&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT 'Alex Kinyua, 21, a native of Kenya and a student at Morgan State University, admitted using a knife to kill and carve up 37-year-old Kujoe Bonsafo Agyei-Kodie before eating his organs'


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