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Lacey Buchanan showing a photo of Christian (Youtube)
Lacey Buchanan's moving video about her son, who was born with an extremely rare condition that left him with no palate and eyes, has gone viral online.

In the video,  Buchanan holds up a series of flashcards describing her excitement about falling pregnant with her son, how she and her husband decided to keep the baby despite knowing from the doctors that their unborn child has developmental problems, and how she dealt with judgmental stares and whispers from people after seeing her kid.

Buchanan's son Christian, who is now 1-year-old, is suffering from a Tessier cleft, a rare and severe cleft palate that, aside from the mouth, can also affect different areas of the face - such as the nose, eyes and jaw. In Christian's case, the condition left him with no palate, prohibiting him from closing his mouth, and that his eyes are also clefted such that they never even formed.

"I couldn't go anywhere without someone doing something to point out Christian," Buchanan described. "Some people would even ask me, 'What's wrong with your son?'"

But as Christian grew older, he started to laugh and play, inspiring other people.

"When people would stare, Christian would start giggling, and they would giggle too," she stated.

As the video comes to a close,  Buchanan holds Christian into her chest as she kisses him and shows him off proudly.

Check out Lacey Buchanan's inspiring video below:

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