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Comedian Lisa Lampanelli revealed she is 106 pounds slimmer after undergoing a surgery a year ago.

Comedian loses 106 pounds (Photo: Twitter)
In an interview with InTouch Weekly, the 51-year-old "Celebrity Apprentice" star mentioned that she has lost a lot of excess weight following a gastric-sleeve surgery last year, 106 pounds to be exact. She proudly announced that she's "officially skinny" and has somehow reached her targeted weight.

The comedian shares her weight-loss success with her husband who had also undergone the same procedure.

In a separate interview, the TV personality said she and her husband, apart from their health concerns, were really tired of being considered "laughing stock" because of their built. Prior to opting for the help of modern medical and technological treatment, they have tried a lot of dieting techniques, all of which failed because they just really "like to eat."

At present, Lampanelli is at least three sizes smaller than she was prior to the surgery and is proud to have already thrown all her "fat" clothes away. She enjoys shopping now for new clothes and is even on the lookout for sales to get much more clothing with as little money spent.

Lampanelli didn't deny the fact that she is still continuing to maintain her current state by practicing a healthier lifestyle, regular exercise and proper diet.

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