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Michael Moore said the NRA is doomed as a result of the deadly Newtown, Conn. school shootings.

In his interview with the Huffington Post last Friday, the award-winning movie director and gun control advocate said the Sandy Hook incident was a "tipping point."

Michael Moore: 'NRA Is Doomed'
"I think the mood of the country is not changed. People did not forget about this after Christmas. In fact, after Christmas when parents started taking their kids back to school and dropping them off in the morning, they couldn't get this out of their heads," Moore said.

He added: "That is the worst. That's the thing that, the NRA, they are doomed as a result of this, because every day now, every parent that drops their kid off at school or sends them out to the bus stop or whatever can’t help but think, you know, worry, 'What if I don’t see my child later?'"

But according to the U.S. National Rifle Association, it welcomed 250,000 new members the month following the Dec. 14 school shootings. NRA's membership growth announcement was reported on the Huffington Post website barely two weeks ago but apparently didn't come up during Moore's interview.

"You know, we're never gonna get rid of crazy people," Moore continued. "They've been around for thousands of years, they'll continue to be around, they'll continue to do horrible things. But why are we their enablers? That's the crazy part."


  1. On the contrary, the bloated one is the one that is doomed. When they finally start things he is going to be the one with a lot of problems. But having watched his slow degeneration, it seems unlikely that he will last even that long.

  2. Hope not...I just signed on as a life-time member.
    and who cares what this tub of wall paper paste thinks?
    tom in Montana

  3. Moore is a outstanding Jackass and a traitor to his country.....other then that he's OK..

  4. Michael Moore is a twit...(and that's putting it lightly.

  5. I wholly agree with the above 3 comments.

  6. What do you think the over/under is on the following:

    (A) The likelihood that that this large, bulbous tub of goo will expire (aka achieve room temperature) from a massive coronary?

    (B) The NRA will cease to exist?

  7. mr moore appears to be the biggest communist coming forward now, take him for what he really is!!!!!!!! dont look for me to go see his movies!!!!

  8. What a MOORE-ON !!!!!

  9. I vote for A) above.

    Doomed -- wht'a doomed are fat assholes with no brains

  10. "You know, we're never gonna get rid of crazy people" Don't I know it and the one in the picture above is at the top of the list.

  11. So insignificant how a little mind becomes. What next, an interview by Oprah?

  12. I agree with Michael....these idiots are more concerned with $$$$$ than with our kids....i see al the dums asses are on here condemning the man...but that is their right.

  13. I don't hate Moore like many others on here do (every so often, he does make a valid point, albeit in a ridiculous manner), but he sounds like a complete imbecile if he truly believes that the NRA are "doomed"

  14. I thought ROGER AND ME was a great piece of film making but, anymore Michael just seems to have become the left wing Rush. These two seem to be bent on the division of our country. I am not a NRA supporter but, that doesn't mean that we can't have an intelligent and respectful conversation. This country wasn't built on one persons ideas, that why the first words of the constitution are "We the People" and not "My Way Or the Highway".

  15. I'm personally banning any film, TV show, etc. that have any of the "anti-gun" hypocrite hollywooders in it. I'm going to write every company that advertises their show and tell them I am boycotting their product because they support actor/actress/director X.

  16. Yep NRA = National Racist Anarchy org


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