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Man alive at own funeral (Photo: Youtube)
A Brazilian man shocked his relatives when he turned up very much alive at his own funeral.

Local media reported that car washer Gilberto Araujo, 41, was told by a friend that his family was mourning for him at his mother's home at Alagoinhas in Bahia, Brazil.

Araujo's family couldn't believe their eyes when he appeared at the wake. Some reportedly fainted and others flee in fear.

"It was a fright ... I'm very happy because what mother has a son that they say is dead then turns up alive?," Araujos mother, Maria Menezes, told reporters.

The dead man in the coffin was said to resemble closely with Araujo and was a car washer, as well. Araujo's brother, Jose Marcos, said he wrongly identified him in the mortuary. The brothers have not seen each other for about four months.

Police say the corpse belongs to a certain Genivaldo Santos Gama but they are now seeking further information.

1 comment:

  1. That's truly a shocking news! But I feel thankful for that.


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