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Noah's Ark is being rebuilt in a theme park in Kentucky and it is said to prove truth of the Bible.

Noah's Ark Theme Park

Here's our featured story from the Canadian Press.

HEBRON, Ky. - Tucked away in a nondescript office park in northern Kentucky, Noah's followers are rebuilding his ark.

The biblical wooden ship built to weather a worldwide flood was 152 metres long and about 25 metres high, according to Answers in Genesis, a Christian ministry devoted to a literal telling of the Old Testament.

This modern ark, to be nestled on a plot of about 325 hectares of rolling Kentucky farmland, isn't designed to rescue the world's creatures from a coming deluge. It's to tell the world that the Bible's legendary flood story was not a fable, but a part of human history.

"The message here is, God's word is true," said Mike Zovath, project manager of the ark. "There's a lot of doubt: 'Could Noah have built a boat this big, could he have put all the animals on the boat?' Those are questions people all over the country ask."

The ark will be the centrepiece of a proposed $155-million religious theme park, called the Ark Encounter, and will include other biblical icons like the Tower of Babel and an old world-style village.

It's an expansion of the ministry's first major public attraction, the controversial Creation Museum. It opened in 2007 and attracted worldwide attention for presenting stories from the Bible as historical fact, challenging evolution and asserting that Earth was created about 6,000 years ago.

Read more here: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/noahs-ark-theme-park-project-ky-seeks-show-175211937.html

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