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May 21, 2011 is Judgment Day! That's what 2,000 billboards around the world and various ads in the internet are saying.

May 21, Judgment Day: A screen grab of Family Radio's video ad.

For months now, Harold Camping and the members of his Christian ministry called Family Radio, spread the word through the billboards and ads about the Judgment Day which they say will start later today, May 21st.

Camping, an 89 year-old retired civil engineer, believes that based on the clues in the Bible and applying some mathematical computation, May 21, 2011, is the beginning of the end for Earth.

According to Time, Camping cited two Bible passages in determining the date. The first one is the book of Peter which implies that the end of the world will occur 7,000 years from the date of the Great Flood. The other one is the book of Genesis which says the flood occurred on the "17th day of the second month." Taking a look at the Biblical calendar of our day, May 21, 2011 is the corresponding date.

So what will happen on May 21st? Camping predicts the following:

On May 21, 2011 two events will occur. These events could not be more opposite in nature, the one more wonderful than can be imagined; the other more horrific than can be imagined.

A great earthquake will occur the Bible describes it as "such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great." This earthquake will be so powerful it will throw open all graves.The remains of the all the believers who have ever lived will be instantly transformed into glorified spiritual bodies to be forever with God.

On the other hand the bodies of all unsaved people will be thrown out upon the ground to be shamed. The inhabitants who survive this terrible earthquake will exist in a world of horror and chaos beyond description.

Each day people will die until October 21, 2011 when God will completely destroy this earth and its surviving inhabitants.

Do you believe this? And are you ready for Doomsday?


  1. Can't blame the guy for predicting. Everyone predicts. Blame the people for believing it.

  2. noone knows when the earth is going to end. just god and only god. so people stop saying when the world is going to end because noone knows and its never going to happend intill god says so. so once again stop predicting when the world is going to end.

    the bible is clear concerning these matters;stating as jesus declares that only the FATHER knows the time of the return of the LORD WHOM IS CHRIST THE LORD:OUR SAVIOR.
    theres no such thing as the rapture in the bible
    when its said that we will meet HIM in the air,
    its not refering to air but spirit
    for when HE returns we will all be transformed as was CHRIST.THE LORDS DAY is a thousand year reighn with the LORD the milineium.study to show thyself approved,a workman of GOD,rightly dividing the word of GOD.

  4. Nobody knows when the world will end, only God knows when. In His own time then and only then that we will all be judged.

  5. Only the God knows when, it says in the bible, it's like a theft that nobody knows when He will come or when it will come maybe today, tomorrow and or other days. All must have to be ready to what would happen for His coming. Just pray and pray always, repent with all your heart, with your entire mind and with all your soul. That prediction can help to remind us all sinners to awake from asleep and be aware for His coming starting today. God bless us all.

  6. yes.. no one could tell wen the world ends.. only idiot could say wat the future happened

  7. Only the God knows when, it says in the bible, it's like a theft that nobody knows when He will come or when it will come maybe today, tomorrow and or other days. All must have to be ready to what would happen for His coming. Just pray and pray always, repent with all your heart, with your entire mind and with all your soul. That prediction can help to remind us all sinners to awake from asleep and be aware for His coming starting today. God bless us all.

  8. Yes, Hello I am glad to say I am a Christian and God Bless Us All and only believe in what God says in his Bible and that is "I am the only one who knows when the earth will end and all believers will then come home and live with me for all eternity." The time is now 6:39 p.m. in Milwaukee WI and I am still here YEA. My word to Mr. Harold Camping is to simply start believing more in the word of God that you profess to know so much about and stop this ridiculus nonsense that you know more than GOD THE FATHER ALMIGHTY - - BECAUSE DID YOU THINK FOR ONE MINUTE THAT GOD WAS GOING TO LET YOU MAKE A LIAR OUT OF HIM ABOUT HIM BEING THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS WHEN THE END TIMES WILL BE. I hope you are thick skined pal because you are going to need it because you are going to be severly ridiculed from people and all the talk show hosts from now to possibly the real doomsday.

    I am sure glad I am not you.
    Randy Frakes Milwaukee WI.

  9. I agree with Randy. I am so very glad that I am a Christian and beleive in the Bible. Only the Lord knows when we will all go home with him. Praise God in all His Magnificience


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