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Harold Camping, president of Family Stations Inc., apologized for his wrong May 21 Doomsday prediction but is sticking to his guns, now insisting the real Judgment day to be on October 21, 2011.
Harold Camping: "October 21, 2011, the real Doomsday"

Harold Camping called the event last Saturday an "invisible judgment" and that something did occur - something "spiritual," not "physical." He added that the actual Apocalypse will now occur five months after May 21 which is on October 21st.

On the "real" Judgment day, a fireball will said to consume the earth and 200 million Christians will be carried up to heaven, according to Camping.

The 89 year-old retired engineer spent millions on more than 5,000 billboards and print ads worldwide to spread his May 21 Rapture prediction. A good portion of it said to have come from donations from his followers.

Through a book published in 1992, Camping previously predicted the Judgment Day to be happening in 1994. Justifying his first wrong prediction, he reportedly said "important subsequent biblical information was not yet known and there may be something he overlooked."


  1. this old man is a lunatic (HMMM excuse my word)
    but im just mad of his false predection, hes just add up the problems of people

  2. exactly a fireball cant just come from now where people have other things to worry about. instead of putting these ideas in peoples head he should be putting his pastorly duties to good work like helping the homeless and the disaster stricken.

  3. Well I don't feel any pressure right now, if it is so gora! basta me. ''I Am Ready'' I am brave enough to face whatever happen. ikaw BAKA HINDI.

  4. Just give it up Camping. You are not a prophet, you're a FALSE prophet though. What part of the phrase "No one will know the day or hour" do you understand?

  5. He's one of the FALSE prophets that the bible warns us about

  6. I have a few comment for this old nut job...RETIRE...PARTY'S OVER JOHNNY...LIGHTS JACK...STICK A FORK IN THE ONE...SHE'S DONE.

  7. this guy is a dumb ass. he has no life.

  8. How many people think he'll be sniped before the 21st of October? Somebody needs to put some cyanide in his old man pudding.

  9. False prophet. Stone him to death!

  10. Lunatic, mad, idiot, he needs to be put out... He reacons the earth is 12000 years old. WTF?? so science is wrong with their evedince because he goes with numbers in the bible?
    The universe is a big place buddy, if you really think the whole universe revolves around man, you are senile. The earth is probably flat also?

  11. 1- Efesios 4:14 para que ya no seamos ninos fluctuantes, llevados por doquiera de todo viento de doctrina, por estatagema (reglas hechas por el hombre) de hombres que paa enganar empleancon astucia las artimanas del error. 15- sino que siguiendo la verdad en amor, crezcamos en todo en aquel que es la cabeza, esto es, CRISTO,

    2- San Mateo 24:5 Porque vendran muchos en mi nombre, diciendo: Yo soy en Cristo; y a muchos enganaran.

    3- San Mateo 7:15 Guardaos de los falsos profetas, que vienen a vosotros con vestidos de ovejas, pero por dentro son lobos rapaces. 20- Asi que por sus frutos los conocereis.

    4- San Mateo 7:22 Muchos me diran en aquel dia: Senor, Senor, no profetizamos en tu nombre, y en tu nombre echamos fuera demonios, y en tu nombre hicimos milagros? 23- Y entonces les declarare: NUNCA OS CONOCI; APARTAOS DE MI, HACEDORES DE MALDAD. 24- Cualquiera, pues, que me oye estas palabras, y las hace, le conparare a un hombre prudente, que edifico su casa sobre la roca.

    5- San Lucas 4:4 Jesus, respondiendole, dijo: Escrito esta: NO SOLO DEL PAN VIVIRA EL HOMBRE, sino de TODA PALABRA DE DIOS.

    6- San Mateo 24:29 E inmediatamente despues de la tribulacion de aquellos dias, el sol se oscurecera, y la luna no dara su resplandor, y las estrellas caeran del cielo, y las potencias de los cielos seran conmovidas. 30- Entonces aparecera la senal de Hijo del hombre (Jesucristo) en el cielo; y entonces lamentaran todas las tribus de la tierra, y veran al Hijo del hombre viniendo sobre las nubes del cielo, con poder y gran gloria. 33-Asi tambien vosotros, cuando veais todas estas cosas, conoced que esta cerca, a las puertas. 35- El cielo y la tierra pasaran, pero mis palabras no pasaran. 36- PERO DEL DIA Y LA HORA NADIE SABE, NI AUN LOS ANGELES DE LOS CIELOS, SINO SOLO MI PADRE.

    7- San Mateo 25:13 Velad, pues, porque no sabeis el dia ni la hora en que el Hijo del Hombre ha de venir.

  12. This man is insane i think his using some drugs to have a hypothesis like this. Can someone help him to cure him there are still plenty of time left before his prediction date will come and that time he will be cured at the mental hospital so that he can realized that he is mistaken about this particular issue.

  13. yea you hear that harold! the people are speakin against you no one wants to hear the lies your spreadin! you cant predict the future old man! whatever your on lay off of it and gets some help 4real!

  14. I truly believe that no one can predict the end of the world.., only God...!! so stop predicting..

  15. harold is whom we like to call a senile old fart who's almost come past his prime

  16. He's already here my people.

  17. this guy is a nut job. he claims her know when the earth will end and that he got his answer from the bible. in the bble says no one knows the time or date now even jesus. this guy needs to get his facts straight.

  18. The globe will not undergo total destruction Oct 21, 2011! Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) occurs Oct. 7, 2011 (Friday evening) lasting until nightfall Oct. 8 during the time which the Supreme King of kings will visit the Sacred Annals of the previous year to see who amended their ways and who continued to perjure themselves and act defiantly. Once the Supreme Judge reviews the Records, He orders a verdict effective immediately, and He closes the Books. The immediacy of the Supreme King of kings’ verdict is not necessarily in the 24 hours time span, as we know it. The Supreme King of kings chastises in increments. He does not always unleash His fury all at once because He does remember that we are mortals created from the dust of the earth. However, at times He does execute swift judgment on individuals and nations. Sometimes there is a suspension in Him judgment because He intent is not for the guilty to perish but to reform his ways. At any rate, the Eternal Judge will not abruptly revisit the Sacred Annals Oct. 21 because of any errors in His findings or due to lapse in His judgment.
    Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) most sacred of all days occurs the eve of the weekly Sabbath, a time when everything returns to its root of purity, unity, and perfection. Some acknowledge this happening and yield to its transformative power, while others carry on obliviously in corruption, chaos, and mediocrity. Oct 21 (Friday) is also a day that will usher in the weekly Sabbath (Saturday), a day reserved for the maintenance of life and not for the destruction of any kind. So once again, the Supreme King of kings proves He supersedes the futile whims of mortals; yet He will requite these crimes of “rape”-ture committed on human souls and sanity.
    Three missed swings and the culprit is out of the ballgame. What is more, there will be peanuts and Crackerjacks for everyone on the house. Oct 21, 2011 the globe will remain intact. The judgment of the world will occur in the Valley of Yaoshaphat (Jehoshaphat) outside of Jerusalem (Joel 3:12), and that event is for a time other than Oct 21, 2011.

    This too shall pass!!!

  19. This idiot says that 200 million Christians will be taken into heaven, right? He should probably read Revelations...I'm just saying.

  20. camping is a false teacher,take your millions mr grampie and give it to the homeless and poor,like jesus told that rich young ruler,take your treasure and quit,its the only life your going to enjoy unless you repent and give your heart to jesus.jesus said you will know them by their fruit,you are a barren fig tree,and Isay this sadly.

  21. Even last May 21, 2011 had not come the end of the world! I will pray that it didn't come on October 21, 2011 or anytime here in the world

  22. Just wait for the outcome on October 21st. If you believed in God then, don't be so emotional. Get ready all day long to save yourself. Don't believe in predictions but to God alone. If you loved Jesus then, make it sincere and don't be so hypocrite just by in saying that you are very sure to enter heaven because you are so religious by any means but actually you're not. You are still greedy, pakitang-tao, dirty minded and unrespectful to young and old with animal instinct maybe? Ha..ha..ha... if you cannot leave them now you better go to hell. you deserve the prize.


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