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GMA News' website gmanews.tv, as well as its Facebook and Twitter accounts were hacked by someone who identified himself as "#d4rkbit" early morning on Sunday, May 29, 2011.

At around 1 a.m., the news agency's Twitter account (@GMANewsOnline) was flooded with the following nasty tweets:

The hacker however made it clear that he was not the one who posted the dirty tweets saying that they were from other people since he leaked the log-in details of the GMA News' Twitter account.

Below can be read on the comment boxes of other websites which reported the hacking:

"This is not true! I D4rkB1t did not twit those malicious stuff!

Please be advised and revise this. For as you see I leaked the username and password of the Twitter account of GMANews.

Please get things straight, I did not do this to become a pervert!

#D4rkB1t - d4rkb1t@live.com"

The hacker's point was more evident with the statement below which was posted on GMA News' Facebook account:

This is not about stupidity, but a message to webdevs.. Learn to secure your site, user accounts and password with personal information are being stored there... We have to be ready for such cyber terrorism..

No "database" data was altered or removed..


GMA News website was also not accessible during that time. A pop-up saying "Hacked by d4rkb1t" can be found upon visiting the webpage.

As of this writing, GMA News has regained its control over the website and its social media accounts.


  1. be ready for the nex t cyber crime... internet was never safe from the very start

  2. Umm.. first off, it is just some GAY Filipino site; so... WHO *CARES*?!

    If it is GMA like "Good Morning America" - then THAT is something, but GMA Gay Filipino site; who cares! I am writing this from a hacked account too - people do it all the time.


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