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It seemed like the good comments Thia Megia received from the judges for her 'Motown' performance were not enough to at least spare the youngest contestant to be in the 'bottom three' or the 3 finalists with the least number of votes in the world famous American Idol Season 10.

Thia Megia, American Idol Season 10 Top 11 "Motown" Night | Photo courtesy of Fox

For the first time, 16 year-old Filipino American Thia Megia was among the three who got the lowest scores in the nationwide voting. She was with Casey Abrams and Stefano Langone who was given heavy comments by the Judges during the 'performance night', yesterday. On the other hand, Thia's was among the favorite performances during that night. She delivered an upbeat rendition of the classic hit "Heatwave" and received commendations from the three judges for taking a risk and coming out of her shell. And thus, it was a surprise to see her land in the 'bottom three'.

But was Thia saved?

Yes. Luckily, she was. And also Stefano making Casey perform for the judges' one-time 'save power'. And yes, the judges did use the 'power' on Casey, adding a pressure on the Top 11 finalists to impress everyone with their performances next week since 2 of them are sure to go home!

Check out the video of Thia Megia's "Heatwave" performance HERE.


  1. Thia is really good, i hope she makes it to the top 3.

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  2. i just cant understand the filipino-american in the US why they cant give Thia the votes just lie jasmine trias in the 3rd season.... tsk tsk tsk...

  3. @Anonymous, maybe some thought that many would vote for her for her good performance... :D

    Maybe they'll vote more in the coming weeks :D

  4. Just because she is Filipino she is very good and that the Filipino -Americans in the US will all vote for her. Of course not. No doubt, Thia is a very talented singer, but she is boring and too sensitive. Every time I watch her perform, my heart breaks because she doesn't give her "soul" to her performance. She has the pipes, but she does not have the heart----she lacks "charisma" and the factors that make a great entertainer. I think American Idol does not only want a great singer coz most of them are, (and that's what the competition is all about) but a performer who can really entertain and "charm" the whole of America. She has to have more than "voice." We cannot deny she's boring.


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