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What happens when the ex-boyfriend of Anne Curtis, Sam Milby and her current boo, Erwan Heussaff meet face to face?

Picture of Erwan Heussaff, Anne Curtis and Sam Milby taken during Liz Uy's birthday party courtersy of ubertwitter

“Nothing ano, [nothing] bad at all,” was how Sam described it when he got the chance to bump into Erwan recently at celebrity stylist Liz Uy's birthday party.

“Even when I was there talagang wala kaming problema or anything like that. 'How you doin’?' Gano’n lang. Fun talaga,” Sam told SNN.


As a fan, I am happy for Anne since she looks so happy having Erwan around.

But just for fun eh since our current poll is about to end. I just wanna know if there are still those who haven't moved on yet and still missing Sam and Anne together (Kismets fans?). Haha. Here's a poll question for you:

Who do you like for Anne Curtis? Erwan Heussaff or Sam Milby? :D

To help you out here are pictures of Anne with Erwan and photos of her with Sam:



  1. /Sam and Anne shared a deep and beautiful love together ...still hoping they will end up together forever... such love they shared !

  2. sam and bea ang mas bagay..hindi c ann...

  3. Still Sam n Anne wishing at the end sila till death do us part coz i felt they still love each other.

  4. sam and anne !:) forever

  5. SAM and ANNE.........perfectly match...

  6. si ann at sam bagay ! perfect talaga !


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